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examples of split infinitives in literature

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when a sentence uses , the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb.

writers should avoid splitting an infinitive when

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split infinitive or not

25 Mar 2013 A split infinitive comes along when an adverb separates the 'to' and the verb, thus inspiring the snobs to snarl angrily. The 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, one of the most trusted grammar guides, states “Although from about 1850 to 1925 many grammarians stated otherwise, it is now widely
Myth Two: You can never split an infinitive. What it would mean if true: The Star Trek writers should have rewritten this famous sentence: “To boldly go where no man has gone before.” Who says it's a myth: Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.: “It is now widely acknowledged that adverbs sometimes justifiably separate an
Q. Hello Grammar Goddesses, After looking through all my style guides (including CMOS, of course), I now know not to split my infinitives but have yet to find some examples of such. Please offer a few juicy examples of correct and incorrect text. Thanks so much and keep up the good work! Grammar Geekess in Portland,
27 Mar 2012 As The Chicago Manual of Style states, "Sometimes it is perfectly appropriate to split an infinitive verb with an adverb to add emphasis or to produce a natural sound." Here at ProofreadNOW, we do not remove split infinitives unless our client asks us to by way of a house style guide. Factoid: The split
The Chicago Manual of Style states that the split infinitive is now widely acknowledged as sometimes justifiable and can be used to accent a verb or to produce a more natural sound through a sentence's construction (5.106, 5.160).
Some style guides, such as the Chicago Manual of Style, suggest that using one to form a particular emphasis or effect is acceptable. However, for professional writing it is best to avoid them. More informal pieces generally are more forgiving with the use of split infinitives. For any written piece, consult any applicable style

Not split: It feels good to laugh really. If your non-split version doesn't work as well as your split infinitive, try to ask your client about it. If you don't hear back from him or her, I think you're safe to leave it in, since it can always be edited during the revision process. Learn More: Chicago Manual of Style: Split Infinitives · Oxford
20 Oct 2008 But in many cases, we do not have to contort a sentence just to avoid splitting an infinitive with an adverb. One editor at the highly respected University of Chicago Press, publisher of The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, has summed up the matter well: "euphony or emphasis or clarity or all three can
If you wrote “Never to stop learning is a crime” only to avoid splitting the infinitive, it would sound a little ridiculous. So split away! Ahhh how freeing is it to break a few rules where there are so many laws of the language! What rule (grammar or otherwise) do you wish could be broken? Filed Under: Chicago Manual of Style
